Frequently Asked Questions

There are many benefits to this process: focused self-awareness, confidence, ability to self express, improved emotional awareness and expression, clarity of personal options, decision making development, clear articulation of what you want in life and an appreciation of your life process. This is an opportunity for personal transformation.
The first session includes intake and mutual assessment. We’ll take the time to determine if working together will be a good match. You’ll learn the foundations of what I do and what you can expect if we continue forward. We begin by getting to know one another. Many feel comfortable right away and begin personal dialogues that help illuminate why they have come in.
Moving forward we continue with our dialogue. You’ll begin to develop an understanding of how words used to describe and express yourself contribute to choices you make. I listen to the experiences our previous discussion have prompted out of session. We continue to explore what you’re wanting to accomplish. That said, this is an organic process that adapts to your personal directive. It’s rooted in the idea that any discomfort we may feel in life is an ongoing opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
I recommend beginning with one session weekly for eight weeks. This helps establish your new knowledge, skills and personal development with consistent support and feedback. If this isn’t possible, we’ll determine a schedule that works best for you. This is an exploration into personal development and transformation; the appropriate amount of scheduled time will become clear to you. Often people choose to see me once a week until comfortable with what they’re working on, then move to a biweekly or monthly support session.
Some people feel better about their situation after their first visit…it’s powerful to be heard without judgment or criticism. For others more time is required to feel comfortable expressing themselves. Results are dependent on different factors: what your goals are, how comfortable you are being open and honest, if you’ve had previous experience in similar settings, etc. I encourage people to examine progress gradually. The Trueheart-Truemind process is an ongoing process determined by you, and facilitated by me.
This is a unique and effective process. Some people find they need to adjust their expectations of what they thought this process would be like, and what they thought their experience “should” or “should not” be like. This is the reason I recommend having 8 initial sessions. With 8 visits, you will have a good understanding of how I work and how we move forward together. My work is to facilitate your personal development, so if this isn’t the right “fit” I’ll recommend other practitioners in the area.
You will learn to manage your personal development and understand the value of conflict as a tool for transformation and transformative thinking. For many of us this requires a shift in perspective. We are taught from an early age that feeling conflict within, and experiencing conflict in the world around us is “bad” and requires a resolution. This perspective teaches us to feel uncomfortable and “dis-eased” within our lives. However, conflict is an opportunity to learn new ways of thinking and being; a true gateway to transformation.
Yes I do. I facilitate couples sessions in which they are instructed in a dyadic communication process. This is a direct focus on face to face inter-relationship of the couples. A dyad is a question and answer process: one person asks a question of the other, then listens without comment for 10 minutes while the other speaks to the question. At the end of 10 minutes the one who asked and listened thanks the other who answered. The roles reverse and the same question is asked. The questions are provided at the time of the session and are designed to evoke new understandings of each other. This dyad exercise leads to a better understanding of each other, and your selves, through an increased capacity to express honestly and listen with compassion. It is the core concept behind the Trueheart-Truemind process.
I work with groups both informally and in professional environments. Informal groups benefit by learning to explore a deeper level of communication concerning life and living in the world. This can take the place of informal gatherings for 1 hour or up to weekend long retreats. Professionals such as corporate management teams, employee groups and small businesses engage in communication tailored to their specific goals. Outcomes include development of business and corporate culture. Shared experience of communicating with authenticity and what it means to listen openly without judgment. Interpersonal and interdepartmental conflicts transformed into useful dialog. There is a tremendous relief that comes with learning to fully engage the people you spend most of your daily life with. In the course of one day I have seen explosive transformation move through professional groups. There is nothing more creative then a room full of empowered people. I facilitate one to three day workshops where participants are instructed in a dyadic communication process. This is a direct focus on face to face inter-relationship of participants. Dyadic communication is a question and answer process: one person asks a question of the other, then listens without comment for 10 minutes while the other speaks to the question. At the end of 10 minutes the one who asked and listened thanks the other who answered. The roles reverse and the same question is asked by the other. The questions are provided at the time of the session and are designed to evoke new perspectives of communication. This dyad exercise leads to a better understanding of each other, and your selves, through an increased capacity to express honestly and listen with compassion.
Coaching tends to be goal oriented while Trueheart-Truemind is more process oriented. At its core, any talk therapy is about perspective and that perspective shifts as the conversation progresses. There will be coachable moments where I will hold clients accountable to agreed upon actions as they relate to goals we have set together. At the same time there’s a fundamental need to listen closely and ask relevant questions to assist a client in clarifying what the goals are initially. This is the foundation of the Trueheart-Truemind experience. THTM establishes processes that point the client toward a direct expression of their personal truth.
“He has the capacity to listen to my words as I share something I’m concerned about and help me clarify my thinking.”L. O. - Portland, Oregon
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